A couple of old retirees who like to bike and hike.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

3 blooming plants

Flowers are starting to pop on the cactus. Hopefully it will be a great year for color. Desert Poppies are also out so lots of bright oranges. Note the pic. with the blue flowers. Reason I took it was because the biggest bees I have every seen were pollinating it. They probably are harmless, but they looked very mean. They make a bumble bee back home look small.


Anonymous said...

That bee looks to be the size of a humming bird! Yikes!


SRM said...

There are bee flies (we have some varieties of them here also) that look like bees but I think are bigger. They are known to pollinate cactus. Could it be one of them? Their scientific name is Bombyliidae.

Anonymous said...

Scientific name is Bombyliidae uh. Well they got the first part of the name right - bomb. I assume if a fly they do not sting?


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Monday. JVM