A couple of old retirees who like to bike and hike.

Friday, May 3, 2013

My May snowperson.

It is May, but winter will not give up. We had over 13 inches of heavy wet snow. Old record was 2 inches. Matter of fact they said if add up all the snow we have had in May over the last 100 years it would be 4 inches. That is until today. Reminds me of why I don't want to be here in the winter.

Friend just called from northern Wisconsin. Said there was 30 inches of ice on his lake. Fishing opener is Sat. Sliding a boat over the ice and drilling a hole can really put a damper on fishing opener.  


Anonymous said...

Spring and morels, then winter and snow. Something is wrong with this order! Jo

Brent said...

We only had a trace up here in the Cities. Like the picture. Probably a picture to date and put in the photo album for posterity. Guess we don't put photos in album's anymore, ha.