A couple of old retirees who like to bike and hike.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


We headed up to Brainerd last Thursday to stay with friends and ride the Tour of the Lakes bicycle event. Saturday morning (6AM) looked real iffy weather wise. It was clouds and rain. Ron and I looked at each other and thought this is going to be a long day. But after registration the rain stopped. We never had a drop on us and later in the morning it cleared and was a perfect day. Finished the road course by 1:30. As usual the rest stops were loaded with great food. Headed back home on Sunday, stopping off at Elm Creek Park to do a little more biking.

Snapping turtle was on one of our roads so thought I would get a pic. He seemed grumpy. Maybe snappers are always grumpy.

Thanks Ron and Kathy for a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

SRM said...

Yes, from my experience, snappers are always in a bad mood.