A couple of old retirees who like to bike and hike.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Glass Dulcimer

Sheila made this dulcimer while in AZ. She cut and shaped glass and grouted it onto a flat chunk of sandstone. Dulcimer was about 2 feet long and 10 inches wide. Nice 3D effect. She brought it home and gave it to her dulcimer teacher.

Due to the extreme Winter we had to replace a couple of bushes and cut back severely a couple of others. At least everything is now green and the trees have leafed out. All in all things are looking ok.

Spend almost a week up at my sister Sue's place. My brother Brent also was there. We got the lawn and trails cut twice, tilled the garden, cleaned out the garage, and cut a new trail that Sue wanted. Sue was in a throwing mood so cleared up a lot of shelf space. Didn't get a chance to put in the bridge we wanted as too much water in the low lands. Guess will have to do later in the year.


Brent said...

What a great project, Sheila. Like the design. Will provide a lasting memory for your instructor.

Peggy said...

You are really talented, Sheila!!!