A couple of old retirees who like to bike and hike.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Rosemary is an herb that can be used in cooking. When our weed spraying guy comes he always reminds us not to use it for a few days. I guess people must really use it. Anyway when you cut some off it has a great aroma.

We are in a cold spell now. 50's during the day and low 30's at night. Sure is early in the Winter for these temps, (nothing compared to the low temps back home). Am having to cover some of the sub tropical plants. Most people cover them with sheets. We went to the Good Will to get a couple extra. Said they had a run on them and figured it was not for people's beds. Hope we did not short sheet someone.


Anonymous said...

Those are some huge Rosemary plants! I love cooking with it plus it makes the house smell good, too.

Anonymous said...

Seriously???? That is awesome! Go chop a few sprigs and toss on top of your chicken next time you roast it. You'll cherish those plants then. --Spot's Mom