A couple of old retirees who like to bike and hike.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Another item off the bucket list

Last week Sheila and I crossed another thing off our bucket list. Five of us went out and did a tour on a segway. After 10 min. of instruction it was time to get aboard. Little intimidating at first but you get the hang of it real quick. There are no controls - the machine senses your moves and does what you want. Lean forward on your toes and it goes forward. A little pressure on our heels and it slows down. Stick your butt out and it stops really quick. Lean and it goes in that direction. Must be a million little sensers in there to keep you upright. Anyway we started down a sidewalk for a ways and then out into the desert. On the way back we were already maxing the thing out.

On Tuesday we are off to Mexico again for a couple of days. It's starting to get warmer back home so will have to think about heading that way in 5 weeks or so. 

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