A couple of old retirees who like to bike and hike.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Salem Sue

More on our CANDISC bike tour. ND had a very early Spring so crops were planted ahead of schedule. That resulted in heavy harvesting during our ride. They have really big equipment in ND. Many combines in each field with headers 40 + feet across. A small farmer in ND has 1500 to 2000 acres. Actually they don't talk acres, but rather sections of land.

However, the 2nd day of the ride we were in dairy country. One town has this cow that sits high on a hill near the interstate. Her name is Salem Sue. My sister Sue, who works at a dairy, was not sure she approved of the cow's name. Salem Sue is 38 feet high, 50 feet long and weights 9,000 lbs. If you look close, I am under the cow and can just touch the business end of the udder.

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